
President Jokowi Throws a Tantrum Because Central Java Residents Consistently Choose Ganjar?

His fingers formed the metal salute, bringing together three fingers in various shapes. Then, they shouted Ganjar-Mahfud loudly as the presidential convoy and its escorts passed through various areas in Central Java, creating a meaningful sight. The people in every region want to show that their choice is still Ganjar Pranowo, as they are well aware of his tangible work. On the other hand, they assert that the only one capable of continuing Jokowi's leadership is Ganjar, who has proven his ability to work and has a series of successes in solving problems and fixing what is broken. He even has innovative ways to collaborate in building the country, with a great example being seen in Central Java through village development. It starts with tourist villages, anti-corruption villages, self-sufficient food villages, self-sufficient renewable energy villages, and so on. Ganjar supports those who bring new ideas during his leadership, such as the development of battery-powered electric sh...

Blown away by downstreaming, thought it was only Program 02, but Ganjar will expand downstreaming

Hey there! So, there's this ongoing debate for the 2024 presidential election, and it's been quite a ride! We're already at the fourth stage, with just one more debate left on February 4th, 2024. The hope is that these debates will help voters make their decisions before the big voting day on February 14th, 2024. Throughout these debates, there have been some new terms and knowledge thrown around. Like this one acronym, SGIE (State of the Global Islamic Economy), that Samsul used to trap and tease Cak Imin. And the latest one is "greenflation," which Samsul used in his not-so-polite way to belittle Prof. Mahfud. These terms have become quite the talk during the debates. Now, let's talk about "hilirisasi." According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), hilirisasi is the process of turning raw materials into finished products. It's all about adding value to a product or commodity by making it more complex or increasing its value. The goal of...

Empty Two that's Both Empty

Life of a human is temporary and no one can know when we'll die, when we'll be born. Life is so temporary and becomes a mystery that we all have to accept the fact of its mysteriousness. There are people in the camp of Empty Two that's both empty, saying that they choose a vice president, not a president. This funny and magical logic, the fun and magic of it, is accepted by many people, including one of the parties in their coalition. They claim that they don't choose a president, but choose their vice president. This is what makes me find it very funny and illogical. They think that choosing a vice president can be separate from choosing a president. Furthermore, the logic goes even further to say that the president will die soon. Ridiculously half-baked, because we see how this flawed logic is being done. It's true that the president is already old, and the possibility of checking out earlier is there. But this doesn't automatically make this person die quickl...

Why Should We Stand with Jokowi Against Election Fraud?

The effective way to disable the tentacles of the octopus's henchmen is by making them entangle each other. This proverb somewhat depicts the chaotic situation in this country. Leadership succession doesn't stand alone, but rather accumulates a series of strategies over time. The 2019 succession that gave birth to Jokowi's second term holds an agenda for 2024. The oligarchy octopus circle needs a rebirth after four terms in power but not having full freedom. Take, for example, the Golkar party, which made a historical mistake during the reform era when they successfully brought down Soeharto, but not their beringin party. The party with a liberal ideology then split into several parties that grew with the strength of their oligarchic networks. Gerindra, Nasdem, and Demokrat were born from the womb of the post-reform Golkar party convention. The founders and chairmen have all experienced wearing yellow suits, sitting together at the same table. The same goes for Hanura and P...

The high cost of education in Indonesia is a big concern for the lower class

Education expenses are so expensive compared to other ASEAN countries, but the quality of human resources is still far from satisfactory. It's like the saying, "More bark than bite." The high budget allocation of 20% for education from the state budget should have a positive impact on the education system in Indonesia, allowing it to compete with other developed countries. One of the effects of the expensive cost of education is that Indonesia's education system is lagging behind. In the past, especially in 1996, the quality of Indonesian teachers was highly regarded by the international community to the extent that Malaysia imported teachers from Indonesia. What about now? To get truly qualified teachers, we have to be able to enter prestigious schools, not disregarding the quality of teachers in regular schools, but the reality is different. The high cost of education in Indonesia, from the perspective of the lower class, makes them reluctant to pursue higher educat...

Haha, you won't believe the latest goof-up by Jokowi – he's asking himself for vacation time!

Now, everyone's buzzing about Jokowi's statement saying the President can pick sides and campaign. We're not sure if Jokowi's really gonna jump into the fray, but the signals are getting clearer. Jokowi wouldn't drop a bomb like that without some hidden agenda, right? So, the head honcho of Indonesia's Election Commission, Hasyim Asy'ari, says Jokowi can campaign, but he has to ask himself for leave. It's in this one election law section, but ain't it hilarious? Jokowi needs vacation approval from the same guy – himself! How does that even work? Sure, some articles say the President can take sides or campaign, but there are other articles frowning upon state officials taking sides. Even if it's allowed, ethically, the President's gotta stay neutral. If he starts picking sides, especially supporting his own kid, Jokowi ain't the President of the Indonesian people anymore; he's the President of his own family. Just imagine this: Jokowi ...


Man, I can't wrap my head around what's going on in Jokowi's mind. He says the President can take sides and campaign in the 2024 Presidential Election. That statement caught everyone's attention, and it's setting a lousy precedent for the leadership he's been building for around 10 years. Many think Jokowi's words hurt the people, just like what the Ganjar-Mahfud Volunteers for Sumatra (Ragusa Sumbar) recently expressed. They believe that the wound Jokowi inflicted since the Constitutional Court's decision greenlighting Gibran as Prabowo's running mate is getting worse and tearing open with this statement. Sure, according to the rules, for a President to campaign, they should take a leave first. But it's not just about the rules; there's a moral code to uphold to prevent conflicts of interest from gnawing at the country. This context makes Jokowi's situation as President worse. He seems to be embarrassing himself, even though he probably ...