Rules for Closing Roads for Private Events

Wedding receptions or ceremonies for Indonesian citizens are often held in front of homes, involving the closure of part or the entire roadway. Is this allowed? The answer is yes; this is regulated by Law No. 22 of 2009 regarding road traffic and National Police Chief Regulation No. 10 of 2012.

Article 2 of the National Police Chief Regulation states, 'the use of roads for private purposes as referred to in Article 15 paragraph 2 includes weddings, funerals, or other activities.'

And Article 127 paragraph 3 of Law No. 22 of 2009 regarding road traffic states, 'the use of district or city roads and village roads as referred to in paragraph 1 may be permitted for national or regional interests and/or private interests.'

This means that road closures for private purposes are allowed, except for national roads, with permission from the local police sector (POLSEK), district police (POLRES), and regional police (POLDA). So, it cannot be authorized solely by the neighborhood head (RT), community unit head (RW), or sub-district.

Road closures must be humane, meaning alternative routes should be provided or closure without warning causing inconvenience to road users, such as having to change direction due to a lack of warning. Traffic flow engineering with alternative routes is the responsibility of the event organizer in coordination with the police.

Therefore, road users and event organizers must respect each other, as it is regulated by the state.

Many debates on social media revolve around road closures for private events that seem to disadvantage the general public.

This has been regulated by the government, so road users encountering closures should not get angry because they feel disadvantaged. They can simply inquire whether the event has received police permission or not. If it has, road users should follow traffic management instructions, as facilitated by the law. Arguing is pointless because the event organizer is not violating any laws.

Weddings, circumcisions, or funerals at home are traditions that need to be preserved. When else can all the neighbors gather for a communal celebration amid their busy lives?

Since home events usually last three days, occurring from morning until evening, neighbors come together, working collaboratively. Some cook, some wash dishes, some greet guests, and some prepare food – many tasks for an event undertaken collectively by neighbors.

Let's preserve the cultural heritage of the archipelago.


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